Business Work@Home Support

Support is now available for your staff that is working remotely.

Your Entire Team Supported

SEAL Proactive Care enables you to have all of the computers that are running your business, supported by a single point of contact. From simple questions on how to accomplish a task, to technical issues with their computer. We can help remotely.

Work@Home Support

Working from home no longer means your  employees must fix their own IT issues. Using SEAL Proactive Care allows your staff to work from anywhere in the world.  Our system can detect and fix many potential issues before they become a “work-stopping” problem.

SEAL Remote Help Desk

Your team members can open a ticket 24/7 to get support for any issue that they may be experiencing. Most issues are resolved with a quick email response. More complicated issues are solved via Remote Support. Using our Remote Support service allows us to be virtually next to your employee to directly fix an issue or walk them through questions they may have.

SEAL Proactive Care Suite

We detect potential issues and reduce IT costs

SEAL Proactive Scan

Built-in detection of over 100 issues, our system provides Continuous Monitoring to Basic Malware Detection. Know about issues before they become a problem.

SEAL Proactive Care

Add to SEAL Proactive Scan with Automated Weekly & On-Demand Maintenance. Your software automatically updated. Plus advanced Adware & Malware Removal

SEAL Remote Support

With our secure Remote Support software we provide On-Demand or 24/7 Access. Works with Apple or Windows Servers, Desktops or MacBooks

Features at a Glance

SEAL Proactive Scan

  • Powerful error detection
  • Lightweight Agent
  • Support Menu option
  • Monitors:
    • Backup Systems
    • Server Software
    • Available Disk Space
    • Hard Drive & SSD Errors
    • MacBook Batteries
    • System Memory
    • Networks
    • RAID Systems
  • Basic Malware Detection
  • System Demographics
  • Expiration Tracking
  • Maintenance based on your users’ schedules
  • Inventory & Health Reports

SEAL Proactive Care

  • Includes SEAL Proactive Scan
  • Automatic Software updates for your apps
  • Over 200 software update packages
  • Trouble Free Patching
  • Maintenance based on your users’ schedules
  • Backup and Purge of Cache files
  • Cleaning System Caches
  • Scans of commonly infected files
  • Permission Repairs
  • Removal of Common adware garbage
  • Extended memory testing
  • Extended Hard Drive & SSD Testing
  • Repair of soft issues with Drives

SEAL Remote Support

  • On-Demand Access option
  • 24/7 Access option
  • Secure connections
  • Desktops or MacBook computers
  • Available Worldwide & ISS
  • Works with servers
  • Coming soon for iPhone & iPad

SEAL Proactive Care

continuously checks:


System Performance

Keeping your Mac running at it’s peak performance is easy with SEAL Proactive Care. We’ll alert you to productivity-robbing issues such as failing laptop batteries, kernel panics, faulty RAM, unscheduled reboots, and even failed “power-on self-tests” which usually go unnoticed.


Backup Systems

It’s never a matter of “if” your hard drive will fail, but “when”. That’s why it’s so important that you not only backup, but regularly check if that backup is being completed successfully. We do all the checking so you don’t have to. We will alert you if we see the backups not being performed as expected.

Protect your tech Today!

 Simple Pricing starts at just $12/per month, per Macintosh computer.

Give us a call today or use the button below and we could have you up and running almost instantly.

(818) 888-2775 ex 10


Malware & Adware

No single malware detection software can find all threats. Our system helps out by providing an additional layer of malware checking to your existing solution. While this is aimed at Windows clients, we also augment Apple’s built-in Xprotect service.



Slow network performance can be caused by things like poor cable quality, failing network hardware, or even your ISP having a bad day. We’ll help narrow down the cause by alerting you when there’s an excessive number of network errors. We can even let you know when a computer’s IP address changes.


Server Software

More often than not, what defines a server is the software that runs on it. SEAL Proactive Care checks on that software to make sure it’s operating correctly and will report critical information such as availability, utilization, license expirations, proper backup functionality, and more.


Disk Drives

Running low on disk space can happen suddenly and when it does, it has real potential to corrupt a system and cause data loss. We can alert you well before that ever happens. We’ll also alert you to any disk input/output (I/O) errors (a precursor to a drive failure), boot disk selection changes, false mounts, and more.



While we’re checking inside your Macs looking for problems, we also report back other helpful information such as machine name, last logged in user, serial number, RAM, model number, OS & firmware versions, processors, uptime, last check-in, and more. Reports are available anytime by request to your designated staff.


RAID Systems

We’ll help you avoid costly downtime due to RAID failures from Apple and SoftRaid by warning you at the earliest signs of trouble. Combined with our world-class backup monitoring you can rest assured knowing your data is secure.

What are Proactive Services?

Proactive means being ready for what’s coming. It means you can respond quickly and decisively to adverse situations with a clear and concise plan-of-action. In other words, you don’t panic, you take constructive action.

Traditional computer support used what is called a “break-fix” model. Nothing was done until your system needed to be repaired. This was costly in both support costs and downtime. When your computer or an employees computer is down, you are losing expensive productivity time.

Proactive services find the problems before they become big. SEAL Proactive Care allows us to take action before problems cost you even more time and money. The bottom line is better performance, less downtime and lower expenses.

Proactive or Reactive

Reduce your IT costs with

SEAL Proactive Care

With built-in detection of over 100 issues, we are empowered to take direct, preemptive action to cure problems prior to any data loss or unplanned downtime. We are firmly committed to providing the best support possible.

We truly understand the importance of staying on top of issues and how valuable proactive support capability can be. Not only does it build confidence in your technology but reduces your support IT costs.

This Software as a Service (SaaS) offering monitors the health of Mac, Linux, and Windows computers. Our monitoring system provides hourly reports on health issues such as disk I/O errors, backup functionality, and RAID status. The monitoring agent is installed using one of several quick and convenient methods. Once installed, the agent runs hourly and reports its findings to the us.

Moving from a reactive break-fix system, to proactive, scheduled maintenance has helped ensure maximum uptime, and increased peace of mind for our clients.

Proactive Approach

You just received new Apple equipment and you want to make sure it stays healthy for as long as possible. SEAL Proactive Care from S.E.A.L. System allows us to alert you in advance of common issues, so you can avoid impending problems. Through error detection, historical status and inventory reporting we will help you take a proactive approach to maintenance, minimize downtime and avoid data loss.

Powerful Error Detection

Systematically detect potential issues and reduce troubleshooting time by reporting details and configuration information.

Inventory Reporting

We provide reports of demographic information like serial numbers, license expiration, RAM, OS version, and other hardware specs.

Lightweight Agent

Our monitoring agent uses minimal resources, runs hourly in the background, and never disrupts users from their work.

SEAL Proactive Care Pricing

Start Protecting your Technology Today

SEAL Proactive Care

Once you sign-up for SEAL Proactive Care and your account is verified, we will build custom installers for your Company, Group or Family. You can either install them yourself or use our included Remote Concierge Installation Service. Either way, you will be up and running in no time.

SEAL Proactive Care includes SEAL Proactive Scan, so there is no need to order both.

Signup Today for Macintosh Computers

SEAL Proactive Care for macOS

for Macintosh computers

SEAL Proactive Care for macOS

Choose Annual or Monthly

Subtotal $240.00

 Pay Total: $240.00

 Pay Recurring Total: $240.00 every 1 year

Signup Today for iPads & iPhones

SEAL Proactive Care for iOS

for iPad, iPhone & Apple TV

SEAL Proactive Care for iOS

Choose Annual or Monthly

Subtotal $60.00

 Pay Total: $60.00

 Pay Recurring Total: $60.00 every 1 year

Keep tabs on your technology

SEAL Proactive Scan

SEAL Proactive Scan is just as simple to setup. Once your account is verified, we will build a custom installer for your Company, Group or Family and you can easily install it yourself.

Signup Today for SEAL Proactive Scan

SEAL Proactive Scan

For Macintosh & Windows computers

SEAL Proactive Scan

Choose Annual or Monthly

Subtotal $144.00

 Pay Total: $144.00

 Pay Recurring Total: $144.00 every 1 year

End-user privacy comes first
The software is designed to provide best-in-class issue detection with minimal access to end-users’ personal data. The following information is gathered about a computer:

  • Upon installation, a random ID is generated and used to identify status reports.
  • An arbitrary “Group” is assigned by the subscriber, for use in sorting reports.
  • The computer’s serial number is also used for sorting reports.
  • The name of the computer, visible in:
    • Sharing PreferencePane (Mac)
    • System Control Panel (Windows)
    • Hostname (Linux)
  • The ‘short name’ of the user who last logged into the computer

In some cases, the email address associated with online backup systems will be reported. This can be disabled upon request, however the status of that online backup would not be reported. The software does not track the following types of information:

  • The agent does not track screen or keyboard activity
  • The agent does not inspect browser history, or other similar user actions.
  • The agent does not read inside user-created data (no pdf, png, doc, etc)
  • The agent does not send raw logs, instead it only sends test results
  • Computer’s physical location is not readily available*

In cases where a computer is considered stolen or missing, administrators can request a one-time notification of the reporting IP address. The software is not a computer management system.

  • The agent uses read-only commands to perform its duties.
  • Issues are reported to your designated employee.