Help! My Account Has Been Hacked—What Should I Do?

Help! My Account Has Been Hacked—What Should I Do?

If you notice strange behavior in your online accounts, you might have been hacked. It’s imperative that you act immediately to verify the breach, change passwords, lock accounts, and alert support personnel. We provide steps here.

Scareware on your Mac

Scareware on your Mac

You’re at your Mac, doing some working as normal, and you visit on a site you have been to many times before. But then you get a pop-up. And not just any pop-up, but a warning message that says your computer is suddenly compromised. Usually phrases like “virus detected” and “suspicious activity” are part of the warning. Panic begins, what can you do about this? Luckily that dialog has a phone number on it you can call to help you sort things out. For a fee, of course.